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Apa Hebatnya Ipad3?

Penggila teknologi dan  gadget-freak sedang demam dengan peluncuran iPad3 (16 Maret 2012) - Oh, versi terbaru ini diberi nama "The iPad", jadi tidak mengikuti seri sebelumnya, iPad2.

Apa sih keunggulan The iPad dibanding versi pendahulunya?
Layar semakin tajam
Kualitas gambar yang lebih tajam dari HDTV dengan retina display 2048 x 1536 pixels--setara dengan 3,1 juta pixels, serta kamera 5MP dengan auto-exposure dan auto-focus. Lihat perbandingannya:
 iPad 2 vs The iPad

Ketajaman layar The iPad juga diuji oleh Lukas Matis, seorang mahasiswa Computer Science di ETH, Zurich dengan cara melihatnya di bawah mikroskop. Hasilnya bisa lihat berikut (merupakan bukti hebatnya The iPad).

Prosesor The iPad A5X sementara iPad2 masih A5
Prosesor yang lebih cepat dengan A5X yang mengutilisasi quad core graphics. Tentunya, prosesor terbaru ini semakin mendukung ketajaman gambar yang dihasilkan.

The iPad lebih tebal dari versi pendahulunya. Bila iPad2 setebal 8,8 mm maka The iPad 9,4 m

iPad baru ini juga menawarkan fitur konektivitas LTE untuk jaringan seluler 4G.

64 GB Wi-Fi 3G = US$829. Hebatnya, dengan teknologi LTE maka membuka halaman web jauh lebih cepat.  Dan, tidak perlu menunggu saat membuka file video dari internet karena dengan apps Verizon, prosesnya menggunakan tethering.

Tethering ini bisa mengkonversi koneksi internet menjadi Wi-Fi hot spot. Artinya, laptop atau gadget lain yang berada di dekatnya bisa menikmati kecepatan koneksi yang sama (dilansir dari AT&T).

Catatan: iPad2 juga bisa jadi Wi-Fi hot spot kok, bahkan Blackberry. Bedanya, koneksi The iPad lebih cepat.
Soal harga, Apple juga memberikan tarif yang kompetitif. Selisih harga iPad 3 nya tak terlalu besar dibandingkan dengan pendahulunya. 16 GB Wi-Fi = US$499 dan yang paling bagus US$830 (64 GB plus koneksi via sim card).

Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Diperkirakan bakal launching April mendatang sesuai keterangan Topan Sakti, SPV Apple Premium Resseler. Soal harga, lihat perkembangan berikutnya.


Taylor York quitting PARAMORE is HOAX!

Hayley Williams: 'I was sure Taylor York was going to quit Paramore last year'  

But singer reveals heart-to-heart ensured guitarist stayed in the band

Paramore singer Hayley Williams has revealed that she was sure that the band's guitarist Taylor York would quit the group when Josh and Zac Farro also announced that they were leaving. 

The Farro brothers left the band in December 2010 and have since formed new outfitNovel American, with Paramore remaining as a three piece with Williams, York and bassist Jeremy Davis and a series of touring musicians for their live shows. 

However Williams, who was heavily criticised by Josh Farro via a lengthy internet blog after he left the band, said that she felt sure that Taylor York [pictured right] would also go when the Farro brothers left and was surprised when he told her he wanted to stay in the band. 

She told Alternative Press: "When Josh and Zac were leaving, me and Taylor weren't close at all at that point. Me and Jeremy were always pretty tight through the last few years. But I was pretty sure that it was just going to be me and Jeremy. I was really scared Taylor was going to leave too." 

Williams then said that she and York had a heart to heart and he convinced her that he was going to stay in the band. 

She said: "Me and Taylor went to a show in Nashville and after we went out to eat and he was like 'You know I'm not ready to go anywhere. I still have more to do in Paramore'. And after I just got in my car and cried and then wiped the tears away and thought 'Okay we're going to be all right'." 

Paramore are set to begin work on their fourth studio album in early 2012. They recently released three singles 'Renegade', 'Hello Cold World' and 'In The Mourning'.